Monday, September 13, 2004

Nick Hodges takes Spirit of Delphi award

Every year for the past several years, Borland has presented a special award to different Delphi users and luminaries for their outstanding support of Delphi.  They are well-respected within the Delphi community.  At this year's Diamondback preview and Meet the Delphi Team sesstions, the award was presented to non other than Nick Hodges.  Congratulations, Nick!  This is a very well-deserved award.


  1. In 6 years nobody has commented on this? Or have all comments been removed or lost?

  2. This is past. Ones past performance does not stand in present circumstances. That is how Americans behave and live.

    So according to me after all it is a 'Yankee attitude'.

  3. This blog has been migrated several times since then, so most likely the comments had been lost in the transition.


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