Sunday, November 6, 2005

Preconference day one..

I'm sitting in my room a little more bleary-eyed than I was this morning.  I spent the first half of the day in Ray Konopka's .NET component tutorial.  Ray always does an excellent job in his talks.  In actual fact, I spent that time getting together my slides that I'll use for my session on Tuesday, November 8th.  In the afternoon, I attended the Delphi overview talk by Anders Ohlsson.  Well it was sort of Anders' talk because I got up there and quickly ran through some of the new IDE features and did a quick demo.  Then Jason Vokes got up and went through all the new Together design project support.  After Jason, Henrik Jondell demoed the new ECO III stuff.  John Kaster showed a lot of the new database features.  Finally, Nick Hodges went through some ASP.NET demos and intro.

Got to have dinner with John Kaster, Anders Ohlsson, Malcolm Groves, Jason Vokes, Henrik Jondell, and Nick Hodges.  Tip: You can skip the resturant Cortez here in San Franciso if you're at all hungry.  It is all ala carte with very small portions and relatively high prices.  We stopped by a corner market on the way back to the hotel.  I got several of them an It's-It.  They're a local San Fransciso treat.  If you're in the bay area and like a little different twist on the ice cream sandwich, get an It's-It.



  1. Here is another tip: If you want some awesome Chinese you have to try Hunan Home's in China town. It is a brisk walk from the hotel, but well worth it (and cheap too).

    I missed the Delphi session, but I did catch the Agile session, which had a great discussion on adapting XP and Agile methodologies to legacy systems and enterprises.

    Can't wait to see the new Together functionality.

    Anytime you want an It's It delivered to the hotel just let me know, the least I can do for all the informal fixes to Delphi you've released :)


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