Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Delphi 2005 Fix Roll-up... and then some.

OK, I admit, it was getting a little unwieldy; Pushing out all these little fixes for Delphi 2005 with separate little zip files.  So i've now created a single cumulative zip file that contains all the previous fixes I've posted.  However, I wasn't content with just leaving things alone so I've also included some other little items.  Some of you have complained that in certain circumstances non-visual DB components are unselected when several are multi-selected and they are moved around on the form or data module.  You know what, you're right, that sucks!  The QC report can be found here.  So included in this roll-up is also a fix for that issue.  This may also fix some issues with collections and reording them in the structure view, but I haven't tested that fully.  So, that makes this patch a little more dicey since a lot more was changed in order to actually fix this issue.  Yes, this has already been checked into the DeXter branch and will be appearing in an internal build within the next day or so.  In fact, if you jump on this now, you may actually get to see this fix in Delphi 2005 before Borland's own internal QA gets a crack at it in DeXter... yep folks, it is that fresh!  Same disclaimers and warnings apply.  So, if you like the stinging feel of sweat dripping in your eyes as you launch the IDE for the first time after installing this patch, then by all means grab it here!


  1. Fantastic!

    As happens so very, very often though, all it will take is some *moron* to complain about this wonderful things you guys are doing for some reason and management will jump on you to stop doing it. Sad but true...

    In the mean time, Mr Bauer, YOU THE MAN!!!

  2. "multi-selec" fixed in data modules - BLESS YOU Mr. Bauer. And my tennis elbow thanks you too.


  3. Allen,

    Please consider one of your update specials for this issue:

    Report No: 12889 ( RAID: 226744 ) Status: Open

    Translation Manager does not resize to fill the window area




  4. Jeremy,

    Most of these fixes are ones I've either done myself or I have been directly involved with their investigation and resolution. The translation manager is far outside the scope of what I work with on a day-to-day basis. I also only push out fixed for areas of the product in which I am most comfortable either because I designed that particular sub-system or have done extensive work in that area and have a strong grasp of all the little gotchas.

    Finally, I'm only considering those items that tend bite a large portion of the customer base. To be perfectly frank, in this case, the translation manager and this defect in particulat doesn't quite have the "surface area" I'm looking for.

    FWIW, 226744 has been closed as a duplicate to 225563 which remains open at this time. The current priority appears to be such that it is in the list of items slated to be fixed in DeXter.

  5. Thanks Mr Bauer, That multi select fix will be a God send.

    Much appreciated!

  6. Good work, Allen!

    Anyway, for those who've downloaded the fix,

    please run sn -Vr Borland.Studio.Vcl.Design.dll before starting Delphi 2005.

    Otherwise, you'll run into a series of errors.

  7. Thanks Allen for the good work.

    I really want to know how to get rid of Delphi load errors.

    Because, I could not find anything about running sn -Vr Borland.Studio.Vcl.Design.dll as Chee Wee mentioned.

  8. Hello,

    I just downloaded the think. In fact I haven't tested it yet, but I needed to thank you for all your effords regarding this "patches".. Thank you very much.. sincerely my heart is starting beating again with D2005. :-)

  9. To Mr. Yusuf Celik.

    You may find sn.exe (Strong Name Tool) at the bin folder in you Net Framework SDK Instalation :-)

  10. Invalid option -vR

  11. Will: you've swapped the options. It should be -Vr (upper case V, lower case r).

    sn -Vr Borland.Studio.Vcl.Design.dll

  12. GREAT NEWS !

    Thank you Mr Bauer... I will try it ASAP (but first reinstall my D2005 + Third Parties Comps)

  13. Is this Software Delivery Optimization? My customers won't like it... ;-)

  14. Allen, I still get an error about one or more types in Borland.Studio.Vcl.Design.dll that could not be loaded, even after running sn -Vr on it.

    Copying the backup version (of Update #3) back into BDS\3.0\Bin made that error go away. So I don't have the last fix, but I can live with that.

    Thanks for all your hard work on making these unofficial fixes available. You're a true Delphi Hero!

  15. Allen, I also get the same error Bob reported in a german edition of Delphi 2005 Architect.

  16. I got the same error that Bob and Robert mentioned. Windows XP German, Delphi 2005 ARC english.

  17. Thanks Allen!!!!

    That fixes the most annoying bug in D2005. I can now organize my DMs.

  18. Thanks Bob (and Allen, of course)!

  19. Thank you very much ;-)))

    Best Regards

  20. Very nice. Now there is only one bug that is even more visible and annoying, and that bugs me (and many more) on a daily basis. It's related to the design surface also. Look at report 13691 for info.

    It involved forms popping in front of the object inspector whenever hints are generated. And it is extremely annoying.

    If it where to be fixed, D2005 would be good enough for me to use it as the no.1 IDE instead of D7.

  21. I hope Borland's management is noting the *very* positive response your excellent (if unofficial) patches are generating!

    Maybe then they'll realize that just a little time/money/effort fixing some of D2005's outstanding problems will reap great benefits in terms of goodwill from their customers, more sales of D2005 now, and more upgrades to Dexter later on...

  22. I agree with Michael.This does make one more confident of the company & the product

  23. thank you for your work!

  24. Thank you for GREAT work!

  25. Hi Allen,

    I decided to fix the translation manager bug myself and make it available for others. Not the ideal way but it works well for me (source included).




  26. Hello.

    My problem is with comma. When I set the currency propertie at clientdataset ( using a dbexpress connection ) and fields of type ( in a database ) Numeric(15,2) or Decimal(15,2) [in the firebird] the values more that 0, it is format normally (example R$ 14,32 ), but when the values ( after comma ) is 0 it format like this ( R$ 30 for example ), forget the double 0 after comma. Can you help me, about it ?

    Thanks a lot.

  27. i am anas from syria i need it


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