Thursday, August 5, 2004

Whew.. Diamondback will be at Borcon

Finally... Stuff is starting to dribble out about the next version of Delphi, code-named Diamondback.  To get the real scoop, however, you really need to be at this year's Borland Conference in San Jose, California.  I'll be doing the general “What's new in Delphi” session.  This will cover all the new cool IDE features that won't be covered by other sessions.  So, if you look here,1410,32499,00.html, you can get a hint at what features you might expect to hear about and see at the conference.  Also, you certainly don't want to miss the Monday night “Meet the team” session... trust me, you want to be there.

For information on how to sign-up for the conference and the costs, check out
For information on the various tracks and sessions that will be presented, go to

Again, Monday September 13th at 8:00pm  is the must see event of the conference... esspecially for the Delphi programmers.


  1. Note that there is a European Borland Conference at the end of September (see URL above).

    Some of the speakers are presenting about Delphi 9 topics at the USA BorCon as well, so I wouldn't be surprised when they do the same in Europe.


  2. Hi Allen,

    Please make sure that you are there this year ok? Your presentations were missed last year and I know some people who were very disappointed that a number of developers pulled a 'Houdini' at Borcon. It was a shame when you guys had to cancel some (or all?) of your presentations... although I guess it was important to get Delphi 8 out. I wonder how much a day or so would have made... Hope we'll see you at this years conference. People actually look forward to you and the rest of BorlandDev teams presentations and if you guys aren't there, it's kind of like a band not playing their hit song at a concert. Or a band replacing their key member with a fill-in... You feel like they ripped you .... something like that. Hopefully you get the idea.




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