Thursday, December 23, 2004
Delphi 2005 Update 1
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Delphi 8 Update 3 now available
It is listed as a “public beta” for now. It is available by following this link to the Borland Developer Network. Be sure to read the article as this is a breaking DCU change, which means that if you have components for D8 for which you have no source, you will need to go back to the supplier to get an updated set of binaries.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
"Who's on first" and MS Support...
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
My take... The Borland C++Builder Open Letter
The Borland C++Builder Open Letter
It's here and was posted a day early. So far the reaction seems to be one of guarded optimism. Not surprising, really, given all that has transpired for the last couple of years on the C++ front. For me, personally, this is exciting news. This is an opportunity to once again work with some folks for which I have a ton of respect.
Internally, we've all been lobbying (dare I say, pleading ;-) with management to take this step. We, on the Delphi team, have always held a certain kinship with the C++Builder community, and for good reason; We've gone through at least four release cycles together, wrestled with binary compatibility and even benefitted from each other's innovations. In fact, the initial driving force behind the rearchitecting of the IDE into the Galileo codebase was because of the desire to eventually merge the Delphi and C++Builder products into a single, simultaneously shipped, unified environment. It was not Delphi for .NET or C#Builder that sparked that effort, but C++Builder.
Of course I cannot comment with any more detail than was revealed in the open letter... mainly because, quite honestly, we don't actually know yet. We are in the midst of planning, scoping, and scheduling the next release of Delphi, in conjuction with the C++Builder team to create a common roadmap. Whether or not there is an off-ramp on that roapmap for a release of C++Builder sooner than the next Delphi release is currently an unknown.
Hmm... it's a good thing we kept all that C++Builder code warm and on “hot standby” within the Delphi codebase ;-)... So bring out the fatted calf, prepare the feast! The prodigal son has returned!